Artikel i The Optimist
I senaste numret av Internationella Gröna Korsets tidning finns en reflektion som jag skrev i våras efter ett möte med 2004 års fredspristagare Wangari Maathai.
Jag har sedan dess burit många av hennes ord med mig. Särskilt kanske dem jag citerar i detta stycke, som också är mycket aktuellt idag, efter klimatmötet i Montreal.
To Wangari Maathai it is more important to support existing good initiatives, and people doing good, rather than criticizing those who do wrong. Perhaps that it why has she has managed to keep her joy. She has chosen to focus not on the destructive struggle against reactionary and conservative forces, but instead on supporting individuals and organizations that do strive for change and development. “It is better to support individuals and organizations in the USA that try to prevent climate change than to criticize the Bush regime for not signing the Kyoto Protocol. We also know that some who signed it just went back home and fell asleep. Instead we must applaud those who do good, and give courage to all individuals doing something.”
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Jag har sedan dess burit många av hennes ord med mig. Särskilt kanske dem jag citerar i detta stycke, som också är mycket aktuellt idag, efter klimatmötet i Montreal.
To Wangari Maathai it is more important to support existing good initiatives, and people doing good, rather than criticizing those who do wrong. Perhaps that it why has she has managed to keep her joy. She has chosen to focus not on the destructive struggle against reactionary and conservative forces, but instead on supporting individuals and organizations that do strive for change and development. “It is better to support individuals and organizations in the USA that try to prevent climate change than to criticize the Bush regime for not signing the Kyoto Protocol. We also know that some who signed it just went back home and fell asleep. Instead we must applaud those who do good, and give courage to all individuals doing something.”
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